American University Scholarship in Bulgaria - Fully Funded 2024

American University Scholarship in Bulgaria - Fully Funded 2024

In the pursuit of academic excellence, the American University in Bulgaria (AUBG) offers a golden opportunity for students worldwide with its fully funded scholarship program for the year 2024.

Benefits of the AUBG Scholarship
  • Full Tuition Coverage: Successful applicants will enjoy the privilege of having their tuition fees entirely covered, ensuring an unencumbered pursuit of knowledge and academic growth.
  • Travel Assistance: AUBG extends support for travel expenses, alleviating financial burdens and facilitating a smooth transition for students embarking on their educational journey.
  • No Age Restrictions: Unlike many scholarships, AUBG's program welcomes applicants of all ages, emphasizing equal opportunities for individuals committed to academic excellence.
  • Free Accommodation: Accommodation expenses are a concern for many students. However, AUBG addresses this by providing free residence, creating a conducive environment for focused learning.
Eligibility Criteria

  • Educational Qualifications: Applicants are expected to demonstrate a strong academic background, showcasing their commitment to learning and intellectual pursuits.
  • Nationality: The scholarship is open to international students, fostering diversity and a global learning experience within the AUBG community.
  • Motivation: AUBG seeks motivated individuals with a clear vision of their educational and professional goals. Applicants are encouraged to articulate their aspirations convincingly.
  • Academic Excellence: The scholarship targets individuals who have excelled academically, emphasizing the importance of a track record that reflects commitment and capability.
Required Documents
  • Passport-sized Photo: A recent photograph matching the specifications of a passport photo.
  • Proof of Identity: Submission of identification papers, including a copy of the national ID card and a valid passport.
  • Transcripts: An official document detailing the applicant's academic achievements and grades.
  • Curriculum Vitae (CV): A concise summary of the applicant's background, achievements, and aspirations.
  • Motivational Letter: A compelling statement elucidating why the applicant deserves the scholarship and how it aligns with their academic and professional goals.
  • Statement of Purpose: A document specifying the chosen field of study and reasons behind the selection.
  • Letter of Recommendation: A recommendation letter from a teacher or professor attesting to the applicant's academic capabilities.
  • Translated Documents: If the original documents are not in English, they must be translated by a certified translator.


    1.How can I apply for the AUBG scholarship?
  • To apply for the scholarship, visit the official AUBG admissions page: APPLY HERE
    2.Where can I find more information about the scholarship?
  • For detailed information, including eligibility criteria and application guidelines, refer to the official scholarship page: AUBG Scholarship

Seizing the opportunity provided by the American University in Bulgaria can be a transformative experience for aspiring scholars. This scholarship not only paves the way for academic success but also nurtures a diverse and inclusive learning environment. Interested candidates are encouraged to explore the possibilities and embark on a journey towards a brighter future.
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